AI Scribes in Clinical Practice

Navigating an understanding of AI sufficient to discuss the topic with patients while also considering the ethical and legal implications can be challenging.

As a clinician led, patient focused platform we want to foster a better understanding of the topic so that decisions to use AI are made with the informed consent of both parties. Below are links to two sets of slides on the topic, and links to other information we hope you find informative. 

Have questions not covered here or see a mistake? Contact Us
  • Live Note Generation
    • Generates temporary notes during consultation
  • Custom Formatting
    • Create any document format
    • Lyrebird: Limited custom formatting
  • All Processing In Australia
    • Legally required to process health data
  • Ethical Commitment through AAAIH
  • Multilingual to Multilingual Transcription
    • Silknote supports 100 languages
    • Any language input -> output
    • Heidi Health: 19 languages. Not all supported for inputs and outputs as of 19/6/2024
  • Clinician Led
    • Clinical practictioner in direction / lead development role
  • Maintains legal protections on health data processed
    • Redaction removes the legal protections on health data.
    • This allows it to be sold, transferred or processed without patient or doctor consent.
    • Silknote maintains these legal protections throughout processing
  • Telehealth Specific Capabilities
    • Silknote utilises the system audio stream to capture telehealth consultations with high clarity
  • 30 day unlimited free trial
    • If the product is free, you are the product.

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