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Everything included in Form plus:


Custom Pricing

Discount based on organisation size



Over 20% Discount Annually

Everything included in Form plus:


Custom Pricing

Are there discounts for whole organisations?

Yes! For entire clinics or organisations, we bill based on FTEs (full-time equivalents). You won’t be charged anything additional, in fact you will receive Silknote at a discount, which increases with the size of your organisation. You can have as many healthcare workers using Silknote as you desire – the sky’s the limit.

If you’re looking to implement Silknote across an organisation, we’d love to chat with you to work through an implementation plan. Feel free to Contact Us so that we can learn more about your organisation and your needs.
Are there discounts for Registrars?

Yes. We want to ensure that practitioners in training and International Medical Graduates are able to provide care efficiently. 

Feel free to Contact Us if this applies to you. If you have financial hardship, please contact us also and we will do what we can to ensure Silknote is available to you.

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