Founded on Medical Ethics.
Silknote prioritises patient Safety.

As patients, we also value our autonomy.

We believe patients should own their health data. Silknote was established with the goal of aligning AI usage with medical ethics. With Silknote, your data handling is not only private, secure, and compliant – but we respect the sensitivity of it. This includes never providing patient data to third parties. We do not train AI models on patient data as we recognise that this cannot be done ethically without fully informed express consent. Our privacy and security measures ensure your data is visible to nobody other than your healthcare provider.


Gold-Standard Data Handling

Silknote applies a specialised transcription process, ensuring less than 45 seconds of your consult audio is ever in existence. No audio is ever stored – once it is gone, it’s gone for good.

Curated Processing

Data is passed through customised Speech Inference and Large Language Models (LLMs) and only hosted on ISO 27001 compliant servers. Our systems are APP compliant, encrypted at multiple levels at rest and in transit. Your health information is always secure.

Processing health data is a personal thing, which is why we do not retain information for longer than is necessary. Nobody other than your healthcare worker and yourself can see it.


Ethical data handling

Data is handled and stored under rigorous protocols. We know that strong security protocols and careful cryptographic key management are the foundation of providing our service.

Compliant Protection

We utilise advanced security measures, including multi-level encryption and secure ISO27001 compliant server infrastructure, to protect your health data against unauthorised access and data breaches.

Complete Privacy

Every piece of health data is encrypted individual to the user. Silknote is specifically designed so that we cannot hear or see audio or text that you input or output.


Champion for Patients

We strongly feel that the role of a healthcare professional includes understanding the implications of technology upon it. As with other aspects of healthcare this includes advocating at a personal and population level. Listen to Dr Joe McTigue discuss Silknote and AI in healthcare and Silknote on ABC Radio here (at 1hr 14 min).

Feel Informed to Advise

We want you to feel adequately informed on the changes AI is bringing to healthcare. We believe this will help you feel comfortable discussing it as a topic with patients. so that you can identify if a suggested usage is safe and ethical.

Understand Healthcare Implications

Understanding how to critically appraise an AI system so that you can participate in organisation level discussions about it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Say goodbye to exhaustion.