Our Values

Great minds with a passion for efficiency and a determination to improve patient outcomes.

Founded on Medical Ethics

Ethical healthcare is not negotiable for us. If it’s not ethical – it’s not healthcare.

Patient centred

We build Silknote knowing that we are patients too.

Building together

We value feedback greatly from both patients and healthcare providers and use it to guide our development.

We love helping health care workers, but the patient always comes first.

Meet the Founders


(BHealthSc) ANU Doctor of Medicine and Surgery

Esther is an ANU medical student deeply passionate about improving the patient experience. Having left her role as an Enterprise Risk Consultant  to pursue Medicine, she realised that with no white paper outlining AI health governance, it is up to platform providers to lead the way.



Joe is a GP who loves efficiency and advocating for patients. With previous development experience in Javascript, Rust and Solidity from his first company, Joe felt an obligation to use these skills to work towards increasing equitable and available healthcare. 

Silknote is designed by
doctors  psychologists patients physiotherapists nurses risk experts developers

Our Why

Beneficence. Non-maleficence.
Justice. Veracity. Autonomy.


We believe in care, not conventional hierarchies. Tell us about yoururself via careers@silknote.com.au

Enjoy your profession more.